Unity Of The Brethren

Hus Encampment Facility

Original Building Hus Encampment20150221_134321Hus sign

New Girls Annex dedicated on May 2, 2004
New Classroom/Conference Facility dedicated on May 7, 2000
Mailing address for Campers

Mailing Address: 
Camper’s Name
c/o Hus Encampment
3635 County Road 225
Caldwell, Tx  77836
Directions: 2 1/2 miles east of Farm Road 166 off of State Hwy 36 in Caldwell, then left one mile on County Road 225 then left at SPJST following Hus Encampment signage.
Intersection of County Road 225 & 210 

OPEN Position
3635 County Road 225
Caldwell, Texas  77836